From burnout to
Deputy Director at the
Gates Foundation
My life has changed so much since I started Leap. I was really at a low, and I was burnt out. I was fatigued. I couldn't see a step forward. I joined Leap, and I just started doing the work, and little by little, opportunities just started coming my way.

Leaped to President & CEO in less than 3 months!
Investing in yourself is the fastest payoff…if you want to make a quick change and get your direction set and start your legacy, bet on yourself.

Found his dream job in less than 8 weeks!
There's this culmination effect, this amplification effect that really happened, that I wouldn't have been able to have without being in Leap and the network.

Leaped from VP to
CPO in 4 months!
I had tried a whole bunch of other things. I had been told I should get an executive coach, I should get some executive resume services. I should go look for some speaking opportunities. And so I was dabbling and just trying on my own, but I still hadn't and found a direction. When I found you (Ilana) and the Leap program I could see immediately there was a structure to get me to, and to focus on, where I want to be.

Left corporate and founded her own AI advisory
I think it was that feeling stuck and knowing I didn’t want to stay where I was but not being able to find the inspiration in what I was looking for and through the program I’ve seen that I was thinking too small and looking too narrowly at some [various] moves and they weren’t really necessarily aligned with my values and how I want to live a more creative life.

Leaped from Director to
founding a startup and
raised $4.5M in seed
I knew that I wanted to be a founder but I was lacking some external validation, some knowledge, and the support group to really help me with my journey. Ilana with her background both as a founder and as an investor, a VC, I thought she could add a lot to my journey and I was right about it.
Leaped to President & CEO in less than 3 Months!
Investing in yourself is the fastest payoff...if you want to make a quick change and get your direction set and start your legacy, bet on yourself
Promoted in a new industry and added 6 figures to her income
I did have a mindset change. Everyone noticed it. My husband noticed it. And this is mindblowing because I never thought that I could actually leap into a new industry, with no experience, but getting a promotion and a raise at the same time.
In less than 8 weeks she went from struggling to wake up for work in the morning to having the time of her life!
My life has changed so much since I started Leap. I was really at a low, and I was burnt out. I was fatigued. I couldn't see a step forward. I joined Leap, and I just started doing the work, and little by little, opportunities just started coming my way, an all new network got built, and it turns out I got a new job, and I'm having a blast
Leaped into his dream job in less than 8 weeks!
Literally coming into my 7th week I had a job offer from my dream company. I'm still pinching myself. Especially considering where I was at 10 weeks ago. It's like going from zero to hero.
From VP in a small company to CPO of a public company in 4 months
I had tried a whole bunch of other things. I had been told I should get an executive coach, I should get some executive resume services. I should go look for some speaking opportunities. And so I was dabbling and just trying on my own, but I still hadn't and found a direction. When I found you (Ilana) and the Leap program I could see immediately there was a structure to get me to, and to focus on, where I want to be.
Built his agency to 20+ employees and countless clients including famous VCs
Ilana and her team go above and beyond to discovery one’s true strengths and abilities. The Leap program is without a doubt extremely beneficial to any career driven professionals. Highly recommended!
From Sr. Manager to CEO, Investor, & Board Member
Leap led by Ilana Golan is the best personal and professional growth program ! It changed my life and Today I’m driving my own business, I’m an entrepreneur, a board member and an angle investor all thanks to Ilana’s leadership, experience and amazing program. She will help you gain your personal confidence and push you forward to achieve what you deserve in your life!
From individual contributor to starting and leading her own department in 4 months
I never expected anything like this! Leap created a shift in me that is hard to describe but ended up in 3 offers and an opportunity of a lifetime to create my own role inside an amazing company and to start a department from scratch. I'm so grateful!

Leaped to a Senior Role
LEAP really pushed me to get organized and focus on what I wanted next and assisted me in fine tuning my elevator pitch...It also pushed me to build my personal brand and secure as many speaking opportunities as possible to help improve my online profile... This brought in two amazing opportunities one for VP and one for Sr. Director in a fast growing startup which I decided to take.... Ilana Golan, you are awesome!

From Sr. Manager to CEO,
Investor, & Board Member
"I've done workshops or other similar things in the past but in this case, the results are phenomenal and fast! I started writing articles and it opened up a whole new world for me. I get people to ping me for my expertise all the time! The Weekly meetings motivate and energize me through this process. I am thrilled with this program, it is priceless.

Leaped to Sr. Business Architect at ServiceNow
I believe that your program and the network that you have surrounding you is an incredible asset and an incredible tool in their toolbox to help them get there. It's something that is helping you, partnering, holding your hand through the entire thing, and that is tremendously valuable

Started his own disruptive tech company
"Indeed this is one of the more valuable investments I have made! Ilana Golan and her brain child CareerLeapProgram are a true game changer, and it's hard to believe that all this, and the impact it has created on so many of us in the International LEAP Network! Keep going and shooting for the moon Ilana—and while you do it we are learning from you how to do it ourselves!"

Landed his dream VP role
Within the first 2-3 months it changed how I showed up at work. It just allowed me to be more comfortable with who I am and what I was bringing to my team.

Started her own company and helping to revolutionize ADHD treatment
"I am excited to share my startup got accepted as one of 100 startups featured at MIT future of healthcare and medicine. This is a very exciting time for me, and I want to thank Ilana Golan, when I started on this path I never thought I would end up starting my own startup."
Dganit Vered - Landed a CEO role in 4 months!

Leaped into tech and doubled her salary during a pandemic
""Joining Ilana Golan's #CareerLeap program was THE BEST CHOICE I could possibly make to commit to my desirable professional future.""

Leaped to a General Management role and an increase in salary!
"Career Leap has transformed my business strategy completely and turbo-charged my progress, I cannot recommend it enough. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned and implemented is that done is better than perfect."

From an executive in tech to start her own vegan business.
"You and the team made this happen...I am so grateful I joined! I want to tell the story of the Leap and in such uncertain times. I think it is awesome.
CareerLeap is what made this possible.... it was everything!"
Leaped from Tech Exec to Start Her Own Business in 60 Days

Leaped into Tech and Doubled Her Salary During Covid
Leap Client Reviews on Google

Leapers have been spotted in the Media:

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